New Ideas - the Formation of Hillpoint Scanning, LLC

I’ve always wanted to start my own business, but never had the right idea at the right time - until last year. My husband, who is an architect, went to a demonstration of scanning equipment that captures the existing condition of buildings. When he began talking about it with me, I was politely listening but honestly, not super interested… until he mentioned how accurate it was.

Coming from a statistics background and working in manufacturing for the previous 10 years, my ears perked up when he said it was accurate to an eighth of an inch at 100 yards or more. Then he mentioned “Leica”. I’d heard of Leica, and I knew it was a highly technical and reliable brand. We talked over the next few weeks about the potential uses of this scanning equipment, and I started doing research.

I had meetings with architects, the local Leica equipment dealer, lawyers, insurance experts, accountants, and especially with friends who are self-employed entrepreneurs. I cannot say how much I appreciate the willingness of my network to have these honest conversations with me. The over-riding theme: starting your own business is terrifying - but worth it. It was time to get busy.

  • By August, I was convinced to take the leap and formed my LLC

  • By the end of September, I had secured financing and had my RTC360 scanner purchased

  • In September 2023, I attended a week long training in Tucson

  • In-person, project based training from my IMAGINiT Technologies support consultants

  • Through the end of 2023, I had several conversations pending with local architectural firms and had scanned my first building for a client

The most common application for this 3D LiDaR scanning equipment is to document the existing status of a structure in order to create 2D or 3D architectural drawings for projects that don’t have an accurate set of current plans. The quality of data captured allows for quick and accurate BIM (Building Information Modeling), saving time and reducing re-work over the life of a project.

So, why write this now? As of April 2024, I have parted from my previous “day job”. I’m still nervous but extremely excited to foster new relationships and help boost architectural projects locally, and wherever there is a need. Please reach out to learn more about the capabilities and deliverable offered by Hillpoint Scanning. I’m excited to get to know you!